
The previous chapter showed how even with state, we can write our UI declaratively. But how, exactly, does this work? In theory, avalanche could rerender our entire app on every state change, but in practice, that's often too inefficient. Instead, avalanche uses the tracked system. Parameters and many hook return values are Tracked, and expressions with tracked!() calls also have a value of type Tracked. Then, avalanche only marks child parameters as updated if their input had a tracked!() value that was updated.

Handling impurity

The tracked system relies on purity, or the idea that a component's output should only be the result of its input parameters. Not doing that will lead to some issues. Take this first naive, impure attempt at introducing a random number to a component, using the rand crate's random function, which uses thread-local state in its implementation.

Here, we'll try to show a random number, and generate a new one every time we click a button.

fn main() {
use avalanche::{component, state, View};
use avalanche_web::components::{Text, Div, Button};
use rand::random;

fn Random() -> View {
    let (_, trigger_update) = state(self, || ());

                on_click = move |_| trigger_update.set(()),
                    Text(self, "Generate new number")
            Div(self, [
                Text(self, random::<u16>().to_string())

However, if you try out the example for yourself, you'll notice that the number doesn't actually update. A reasonable explanation for this would be we're not actually modifying trigger_update's state, or that its current value is equal to the previous one. However, calling a state setter always triggers a component rerender. Rather, the reason is that random::<u16>() is not Tracked, so it's considered a constant. This leads to an important rule: a component's parameter will only update if it has a tracked!() call with an updated Tracked value. Text(self, random::<u16>().to_string()) doesn't have a tracked!() call, so it will never update.

The issue here is that random is an impure function, but avalanche doesn't know that. The solution is to use hooks to contain impurity, like we did with the counter example.

fn main() {
use avalanche::{component, tracked, state, View};
use avalanche_web::components::{Text, Div, Button};
use rand::random;

fn Random() -> View {
    let (value, set_value) = state(self, || random::<u16>());

                on_click = move |_| set_value.set(random()),
                    Text(self, "Generate new number")
            Div(self, [
                Text(self, tracked!(value).to_string())

Now, text clearly depends on the value state, so when we call set_value, avalanche will update that text value on screen. Using hooks introduces impurity in a manner avalanche can understand.

Rules of tracked

This example leads us to the three main tracked rules:

Avoid mutable variables in components

Mutable variables make the tracked system leaky. Consider this snippet of code:

let (value, _) = state(self, || 5);
let mut mutable = 2;
mutable += *tracked!(value);

Since mutable isn't tracked, but its value depends on a Tracked value, using it as a component parameter will cause unexpected failures to update UI appearance. Instead, prefer creating new variables.

Wrap interior mutability and hidden side effects

For parameter values, directly using values like rand::random() is a problem because they depend on some external state that avalanche is not aware of, leading to stale values displayed on rerender. This also applies to values like Rc<RefCell<T>> if they are updated outside of hook functionality. When using interior mutability, then, make sure to wrap it in state, and perform updates within the set or update methods.

Avoid third-party macros

Macros can lead to convenient code; for example, Text(self, format!("Hello, {} {}!", tracked!(title), tracked!(name))) is a lot clearer than macro-free alternatives. However, when using non-std and avalanche macros, #[component] is unable to track their dependencies correctly, meaning parameters based on those macros may not update correctly. In the future, we may instead opt to consider those macros always updated (at the cost of significantly reduced efficiency), or offer some syntax to specify tracked values explicitly for them. Either way, we recommend you avoid those macros for now.

Rendering dynamic lists

Rendering more heavily dynamic content is where the tracked system shines. But first, a pitfall: here's a potential first attempt at rendering a list of dynamic children:

fn main() {
use avalanche::{component, tracked, state, View};
use avalanche_web::components::{Ul, Li, Text};

fn List() -> View {
    let (items, update_items) = state(self, || vec![String::from("a")]);
        tracked!(items).iter().map(|item| Li(
            key = item,
            [Text(self, item)]

Here, we use the standard iterator methods map and collect to turn a Vec of strings into a Vec of Views.

However, notice that in the component Text(self, item), the implicit text parameter has no tracked! call, so if we later update the element "a", for example, that change won't be appropriately rendered. We can change that with the store hook, which enables storing state with fine-grained tracking. What that means is we can keep track of when specific elements of the state were last updated. This is possible with the Tracked::new method, which allows creating a tracked value with its wrapped value and what render cycle, or Gen, it was created on. The init function and update method of store provide a Gen, allowing us to create and modify tracked values.

fn main() {
use avalanche::{component, tracked, View};
use avalanche_web::components::{Ul, Li, Text};
use avalanche::{store, Tracked};

fn List() -> View {
    let (items, update_items) = store(self, |gen| vec![Tracked::new("a", gen)]);

        tracked!(items).iter().map(|item| Li(
            key = tracked!(item),
            [Text(self, tracked!(item))]

Now the iter method on items returns elements of type Tracked<&String> rather than &String.


So far, this explanation has only applied previous concepts, but there's the important new concept of keys. Every avalanche component has a special String key parameter. Whenever a particular component call location in code may be called more than once, it is required to specify a key to disambiguate the multiple instantiations; this is enforced with a runtime panic if not specified. Note that the key must be added on the topmost level, so in our example above,

    key = tracked!(item),
        Text(self, tracked!(item))

is good but this is not:

Li(self, [
        key = tracked!(item),