Event handling and input elements

So far, we've only used the on_click event, but there are both many more events and more functionality available.

In addition, many events are component-specific, like on_input and on_blur on some form elements. Many of these are available, but some have not been implemented yet. If you're missing one, please file an issue!


Every global event is settable as a parameter on every non-Text avalanche_web component. Each event handling parameter takes a function of type impl Fn(TypedEvent<E, C>) where E is the web_sys type for the handler's event and C is web_sys's native type for the component's native DOM element.

Often, we don't need the event, so we omit it, hence closures like on_click = move |_| ....

Input elements

One case where events are useful is with input elements. That's because the TypedEvent type gives access to the current_target() method, which provides a reference to the component's associated native reference. We can use this to keep track of an Input element's state:

fn main() {
use avalanche::{component, tracked, state, View};
use avalanche_web::components::Input;

fn ControlledInput() -> View {
    let (text, set_text) = state(self, || String::new());

        value = tracked!(text).clone(),
        on_input = move |e| set_text.set(e.current_target().unwrap().value())

In this example, text holds the input's current contents, allowing us to use it for other purposes.

In React, programmers often use on_change instead of on_input, but React semantics do not match native browser ones in this case; use on_input in avalanche_web instead.

For a more complex example of how state and events work in avalanche, check out the todomvc example.